A custom wrap can be a great way to take your vehicle design to the next level. You can use it to just customize your vehicle, or you can use it to advertise a business. When it comes to designing a custom wrap, there are some classic mistakes you will want to avoid. 

Don't Go Overboard with the Text

When you are creating a vinyl with so much space, it can be tempting to add a lot of words to it. After all, you have all that space, shouldn't you use every square inch of it? What you need to remember when you add words is that if you want people to actually be able to read the words, you need to keep them limited. People are going to more than likely be reading the words on your vehicle when they are driving by it. This means that they are going to have a very limited amount of time to read the information on your vinyl wrap. Mere seconds, or fractions of a second, in fact. 

If you have a message or information you want people to read on the wrap, keep it short and simple so that people can easily read it. Also, make the font big, so that it isn't hard to read. A car wrap isn't the place for the fine print; it is where you put the big message. 

Designing it Yourself

It is your vehicle after all. You should come to the design table with ideas on what you want the wrap to look like. You should know what colors you would like to use. You should know what you want the wrap to say. You should have an idea of the icons or images you want to use. 

However, just because it is your wrap and you are bringing the ideas to the table, doesn't mean that you should do it alone. Work with the designer. They understand how your ideas will translate when they are put on a wrap, and stretched across your vehicle. They understand proportions and positioning. They have an understanding of how colors work together. 

Bring your ideas to the table and work with a designer to create your car wrap. Trust their expertise and enjoy a great-looking result. 

Overloading Colors

Don't go overboard with the colors. Pick a few colors that you want to use throughout the design and stick to those colors. You may want to use all complementary colors for a more chill look. Or if you want something that pops more, use some contrasting colors. Get a little creative with the colors, and figure out what looks best on your vehicle.

If you want your vehicle wrap to look great, don't go overboard with the text. Work with a designer. Stick to a simple color pallet. These three simple tips will help ensure that your vinyl wrap stands out for all the right reasons.  

For more information, contact a company that offers custom car wraps.
